KIT Blog
Your support is helping fight leprosy in India
- May 27, 2019
- India,
- People you have helped
Every day, more than 30 children are diagnosed with leprosy in India.
That is a particularly alarming figure as leprosy in children indicates that transmission of the disease is occurring in many communities.
India has the highest number of leprosy cases in the world, making up 60 per cent of all new cases. And since 2005, the number of children who have preventable deformities when diagnosed with leprosy has DOUBLED.
This is why your support is so important in helping detect leprosy and provide care, reconstructive surgery and Multi-Drug Therapy for people affected by leprosy.
When you give towards The Leprosy Mission hospitals in India, you play a key part in supporting the Triple Zero Strategy of Zero Leprosy Transmission, Disability and Discrimination.
You’ll help end leprosy transmission by 2035 through early detection and treatment of leprosy in areas where the disease is endemic.
With early diagnosis and treatment, you can help prevent disabilities. You can help stop loss of sensation in hands and feet. You can help prevent loss of independence and livelihood due to leprosy.
You will also help challenge discriminatory attitudes and laws that exclude people affected by leprosy from society. Did you know there are more than 100 laws in India that still discriminate against people affected by leprosy?
Stigma and rejection can have a devastating effect on families affected by leprosy. Children are banned from schools, adults are forced to beg on the streets…and some even end their own lives.
When you give today, you help The Leprosy Mission hospitals in India provide urgent Christ-centred care to people affected by leprosy. The Leprosy Mission Trust India runs 14 hospitals across the country, with The Leprosy Mission Australia providing funds for two hospitals in Kothara and Salur.
And your support is making a real impact! Just look at what you helped achieve in the 2018 financial year:
- 149 new cases of leprosy diagnosed.
- 104 people received reconstructive surgery for leprosy impairments across both hospitals.
- 4,066 assistive devices prescribed, including appropriate footwear, orthotic aids, glasses and prostheses to improve mobility and function.
- 1,331 people received prevention of disability training.
Supporters like you help make the Triple Zero strategy a reality! Thank you!
Give now to support The Leprosy Mission Hospitals in India and transform more lives today.