Become a National Council Member
The gift of your time
Are you passionate about transforming lives? Feel called to serve those affected by leprosy across the world? Or perhaps you know of someone looking to get involved in making leprosy a disease of the past!
The Leprosy Mission in Australia has been operating for over 100 years and as a registered charity we have a very committed and enthusiastic team of supporters, which includes an important group who are Members of The Leprosy Mission Australia National Council. This group continues to be a vital and integral part of the ongoing work of the organisation and is a valuable source of knowledge, wisdom and relationships that reflect our long and successful history.
The key roles of this group are to:
1. Own and work towards the vision of The Leprosy Mission Australia
- Specifically, to support the mission in prayer
- Pray for and encourage the Board, staff and volunteers in their efforts in serving people affected by leprosy and disability.
- Praying for specific situations as requested
2. Own and support the mission of The Leprosy Mission Australia: having an understanding of how The Leprosy Mission operates, the National Council contribute by
- Providing a broader consultative base to Board and management
- Giving feedback to Board and management on evaluating strategic plans, ideas and innovation
- Providing advice and assistance with beta testing and trialling technology where appropriate
- Facilitating connections with churches, denominations and groups based on personal networks
- Being ambassadors and providing relational support in a particular geographic area
3. Share the history and learnings of The Leprosy Mission Australia: having a great understanding of the history, and experience of the work of The Leprosy Mission the National Council contribute by
- Being the corporate history holders
- Being a conduit of information from supporters back to the staff, advising how messages have been received and providing feedback
4. Elect the board members, hold them to account and encourage them in their work
- To serve as the membership of the organisation, fulfilling the legal personhood of The Leprosy Mission Australia
- To support the Board in talent spotting and nominations for Board and National Council vacancies
- To appoint the Board at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- To hold the Board to account through regular reports and communication
- To be a resource for the Board and management such as providing mentoring where appropriate
5. Ultimately, when in God’s providence the work and mission is completed, decide the future of the organisation
The National Council comprises of a total of 40 members made up of no more than 22 General Representatives and 18 State Representatives from six states. We currently have vacancies for both General and State Representatives and are currently seeking nominations and expressions of interest from people who are interested to contribute to the work of the mission in this way.
What is involved
All National Council members are invited to attend the National Conference which is a time to meet with the rest of the National Council, and a chance to meet the staff and be part of a larger team. You are also invited to attend the Annual General Meeting and vote of matters of business, supporting the governance of the organisation.
State Representatives
Being on the National Council as a State Representative involves a three-year commitment. Ideally you will coordinate with other representatives in your state to hold local events and host international speakers for The Leprosy Mission with the aim of promoting the work and the profile of the mission, as well as praying for the mission on a regular basis.
We currently are seeking representatives in all states.
General Representatives
Being on the National Council as a General Representative involves a six-year commitment. You will have the opportunity to engage in supporter events near you and host international speakers for The Leprosy Mission, as well as praying for the mission on a regular basis. We also look to General Reps to support the staff team through expertise and mentoring
We have a number of vacancies for General Representatives.
Application Process
If you are interested in applying for these roles download the application form and return it to Nerida Collard at The Leprosy Mission Australia Constitution is the governing document for the organisation, and we are a registered charity with the ACNC as well as a member of ACFID.
Closing date for applications is 25 August 2023
For more information, please contact Nerida Collard on the above email or on FREECALL 1800 537 767 within Australia.
What our National Council Members have to Say

Denise Scott
General Rep
“Being a member of the National Council means you are part of a great team. It is good to be connected with the mission in this way and being doing something where you can make a difference”

Colin Martin
General Rep
“The National Council of TLMA is a group of committed people who share the Mission, Vision and Values of TLMA and who want to be more actively involved in the decision making, as the organisation seeks to bring the love of Jesus to people affected by leprosy. To actively engage with the work of TLMA as a National Council member, adds a whole new dimension to your relationship with those affected by leprosy and with those working to see Leprosy defeated and lives transformed.”

Sally Martin
State Rep
“As a State Rep I can support international speakers, speak to any who ask about the mission’s work as well as giving feedback to head office. Its great to see faces light up as you tell of the facts about and achievements of people effected by Leprosy. In a world dominated by technology I believe it will become even more important to nurture the relationships we have. Supporters of TLMA really respond to speaking with people who know first (or 2nd hand) what’s going on.”