- Feb 18, 2021
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Celebrating and Supporting Christian Women in Leadership
Life member, Jenny Davis, was the first female Board Chair of The Leprosy Mission Australia (TLMA) just over 20 years ago. She combined microbiological skills with her desire to serve Christ in an organisation that stands with the marginalised people in our world. This month, we ...
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- Feb 18, 2021
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Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and making me feel part of the family.
By Preeti Maharjan
Research Officer & Volunteer
In Nepal, I used to be involved in providing comprehensive care for people affected by leprosy. So, I knew about The Leprosy Mission Australia (TLMA) and its continuous support to The Leprosy Mission in Nepal (TLMN). I knew I wa...
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- Feb 18, 2021
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Thank you for not giving up. Your faithful prayers and support are crucial in PNG this Easter!
Thank you for giving hope during this COVID-19 pandemic! People affected by leprosy are even more vulnerable now than ever before. Many live in close living quarters crowded housing, in makeshift shelters within poor and dangerous settlements. Thank you for giving hope to people ...
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- Nov 12, 2020
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A Christmas Letter from Dr Grace Warren
Yes Jesus came that there might be Peace on earth . “the Son of God became man to enable men to become Sons of God”
Jesus — The word of God became flesh. The Son of God became man
The Lord of all became a servant. The righteous one was made sin. The eternal one tasted death. The ...
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- Nov 08, 2020
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COVID-19 update
UPDATE: 2021
According to state government restrictions, The Leprosy Mission Shop at 37-39 Ellingworth Parade Box Hill, VIC will remain closed until further notice. You can still shop online at shop.leprosymission.org.au or via phone (FRECALL 1800 LEPROSY) and mail order.
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- Jul 14, 2020
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The Power of Prayerful Persistence
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew, 11:28
By Tim Collison, Leprosy Mission Australia Engagement Manager
Like a shadow on a sunny day COVID-19 seems to be present in all my interactions. It hovers over all my conversations waiting t...
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