KIT Blog
Your Update from Natalie Smith: Fighting Leprosy in PNG
- Jan 22, 2018
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Pic: Country Leader of The Leprosy Mission Papua New Guinea, Natalie Smith (fourth from left) and her new team
“Thousands of people in slum-like communities. People squatting, renting or packing in with relatives. Make-shift and flimsy housing.
High stress levels. Chronic overcrowding. Conflict among tribes. A constant struggle for food and money. Limited clean water and electricity.
Put it all together and what do you get? An environment ripe for poverty and leprosy to thrive.
That’s why, with your generous support, and together with The Leprosy Mission New Zealand we’ve launched the new SLD (Sustainable Livelihood Development) project in Papua New Guinea.
It’s all about developing long-lasting work opportunities for people affected by leprosy and disability. We’ve already worked hard to identify 26 particularly vulnerable communities to focus
on for this project. Here we’ve found the highest number of leprosy cases among all the provinces in Papua New Guinea.
Many of these people suffer in silence, hidden away in their communities.
Work will begin in communities in and around Port Moresby and the Central Province. After the first two years, we will expand into the Western and Sandaun Provinces. Already,
we have finished recruiting new staff for the project. They are all learning more about leprosy and beginning to develop connections in the communities we’re reaching.
The team is already working within communities to raise awareness of leprosy and the project. Hopefully, this will encourage leprosy-affected people to come forward and receive help to develop sustainable livelihoods.
You can support the new project in PNG by praying for:
• Connections with key people who can help lead projects in their communities
• To find leprosy-affected people who would benefit from new livelihood opportunities
• The health and safety of the team.
Thank you for standing with us to fight the rising number of leprosy cases in PNG.
Bless you!”
– Natalie Smith, Country Leader of The Leprosy Mission Papua New Guinea
Natalie was recently interviewed on TV in PNG:
You can further support people in Papua New Guinea by calling The Leprosy Mission Australia TOLL FREE on 1800 537 767 or visiting the PNG Project Page.
Natalie was also interviewed last year on the Light FM network – listen NOW