KIT Blog
A living testimony – thanks to people like you!
- Dec 13, 2018
- India,
- People you have helped
67 year old Narugopal is a living testimony to the long-term efforts of people like you through The Leprosy Mission. Transforming lives by defeating the tragic effects of leprosy.
Narugopal grew up in a village in India. He was only 7 or 8 when his father died. At the same time, he discovered patches on his arms, chest and face.
The appearance of the patches led to him being rejected from school. So he grazed a few cattle and unsuccessfully attempted to treat his leprosy with herbal medicines.
By the time Narugopal was 20, he developed “foot drop” in both feet.
A Leprosy Mission Mobile Clinic came to his village. He was taken to The Leprosy Mission Hospital where he had foot surgery. His surgeon was Dr Fritchie, who worked under Dr Paul Brand at Vellore. Later he had surgery on the other foot performed by a different doctor.
Since then another Leprosy Mission doctor, Dr Kieran Sarkar has operated on a problem behind his ear. And most recently, Dr Famkima Darlong gave him cataract surgery.
Since his 30s Narugopal has lived in Bankura Snehelaya,“a home of love” providing aftercare and community to former patients. He has now lived there more than half of his lifetime.
Every few years he visits his old village for a day or two but still experiences stigma there. However, at Snehelaya he feels at home, especially when he’s tending the beautiful small flower garden where he spends much of his time.
In spite of the injuries to his hands, the many years of care he has had through The Leprosy Mission have preserved his mobility, his sight and his dignity and have given him back the joy
of really belonging to a community.
All thanks to people like you.
Please pray for Narugopal and other former patients living in Snehelaysas in India. Please pray also for talented doctors and surgeons working for The Leprosy Mission Hospitals in India. May God bless their hearts and their hands in Jesus Name.
If you’d like to support The Leprosy Mission Hospitals in India, please phone FREECALL 1800 537 767 to donate, or go to: