KIT Blog
You're helping Raj—thank you
- Mar 08, 2017
- Nepal,
- People you have helped
Raj is a single dad from the historic city of Bhaktapur in Nepal. His wife left him for someone else when his son was just five years old. His son is now in year 11. He’s proud of how well his son is doing in school. Raj paints to earn an income and support his son. Pictured above is Raj with one of his paintings—a thank you card.
“Many, many thanks to you for your support. I am so grateful. Whenever I come back here to the hospital I have hope for my ulcers to be cured. There are many others like me who also greatly benefit from your support.”
When Raj was nine years old when he lost his left arm. He accidentally touched a powerline. Raj’s arm became necrotic because of the electrical burns and his arm had to be amputated at the shoulder.
Raj’s hand-made “Thank you” card.
When Raj was just 14-years-old, he lost sensation in his right hand and his fingers started to claw. He also lost the feeling in his feet. His uncle took him to Bhaktapur hospital where he was diagnosed with leprosy. Hospital staff referred to him to Anandaban hospital for treatment of the ulcers on his foot. At this time, Raj’s parents passed away from an unknown disease. Raj was terrified when he found out he had leprosy. It was widely believed that leprosy was a curse and Raj felt that he was cursed. Raj felt that he was no longer a part of normal society. But at Anandaban Raj found out that he was not alone. Staff assured him that many other people are also affected by leprosy, that it’s not a curse and that it can be cured. He was shown love and care, and connected to a community.
The hand of an artist
At the Self Care Unit, Raj learnt to care for his wounds. In a community of people affected by leprosy, overseen by Kashi, Raj learned to cook safely and protect his hands from injury. Raj has been staying at the Self Care Unit for two weeks and is expected to stay for three more. This is his second visit. Previously, Raj had surgery on his left eye to restore power to his eyelid, now Raj is able to shut his eye.