KIT Blog
Will you reach out and pray to heal the heartache of leprosy-affected children around the world?
- Jan 15, 2020
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Imagine you’re a child… and you just want to hug your mummy. But she’s died… and people avoid you because you have leprosy. You can’t hide the signs of the disease. People see the skin patches and your clawed hand. They’re afraid to be near you.
That’s what the world is like for 7-year-old Diyan from India. Last year, when he was just six, he burned his hand very badly. But he didn’t cry. He didn’t even feel it. His hands were numb. He had leprosy.
Although he may not feel the physical pain of leprosy, a child like Diyan DOES feel the heartache of being called names. Of being pushed away. Of rejection.
People are afraid to be near him, let alone embrace him with the warm, loving hugs he so desperately misses from his mother. His father goes far away to work.
The stigma of leprosy has made it a very lonely world for Diyan.
Jesus touched people affected by leprosy. That’s exactly what a sensitive boy like Diyan needs right now. Jesus cured people of leprosy in His earthly lifetime.
Please continue to pray for a world without leprosy. Pray for early detection and treatment for children affected by leprosy.
Diyan misses his mother’s hugs so much. While we can’t replace his mother, we CAN show him God’s love through The Leprosy Mission doctors and nurses who look after him. They’re not afraid to touch him… the nurses bathe his skin patches and treat his clawed fingers. One nurse talks to him and gives him cuddles… like his mummy used to… healing his heartache inside.
A gentle touch makes all the difference. Please pray for the doctors and nurses who tend and care for the physical and mental needs of these children.
Although Diyan is physically affected by leprosy, thank God, it’s not too late to turn his life around.
Pray each child affected by leprosy will be cured with no long-term or further effects.
Holistic healing does not end there. The Leprosy Mission community education activities promote love and acceptance. So Diyan and others like him can grow up in a loving and encouraging environment…. instead of being excluded and called horrible names.
Pray the stigma of leprosy will be overturned in communities around the world. Pray love and acceptance will rule. Thy Kingdom Come!
Thank you for your faithful support.
To God be the Glory forever and ever. Amen.