KIT Blog
What a blessing this Esther - thanks to you!
- Mar 16, 2020
- People you have helped
By TIM COLLISON Engagement Coordinator The Leprosy Mission Australia
Let me introduce you to Esther! She’s a volunteer with The Leprosy Mission Papua New Guinea (TLMPNG).
“I first heard about The Leprosy Mission from my dad. He was a volunteer.”
“My dad became an advocate because his mother was a leprosy patient. My grandmother’s sister was killed by leprosy but my grandmother only suffered from drop foot.
“When my dad resigned, a TLMPNG staff member called me and asked me to join.”
“My cousin Rose is also affected by leprosy. Others would discriminate against her and laugh at her. She is only 12 years old. She was not going to school because of how others were treating her. She was feeling very shy in front of her friends.
“The people in my community should understand those who are suffering in the village. They should agree not to discriminate against people with leprosy.”
“I have the heart of my family for those affected by leprosy.”
• Please join with us and pray that Esther and her family will defeat leprosy and continue to transform lives in their community.
• Pray for strength, confidence and wisdom for Esther as she approaches and speaks with others in her village and beyond.
• Give thanks to God for Country Leader Natalie Smith and The Leprosy Mission PNG team.
May God be with the team as they train and equip other volunteers like Esther to defeat leprosy across PNG.
Thank you for your support.
You can donate today to train a volunteer in PNG, please call 1800 LEPROSY (1800 537 767) or email: