KIT Blog
Update 3: More flooding
More is a small satellite village in the Parsa district. Every day its people would make their way across the Bhograha stream. They would shop in Nichuta village where they purchased basic household supplies.
The destroyed village of More on the distant horizon.
Late Saturday evening on 12 August, villagers in More were sleeping in their huts. The stream swelled, spilling over its banks, flooding the paddy field and sweeping through the village. Villagers who first noticed the flood alerted the others. Women and children took refuge in a brick house, raised 5 feet above the ground. Men climbed nearby trees. Water submerged small huts and granaries. The flood swept utensils, clothes and grains away. The flood continued for 24 hours. Where it receded, huge pits remained were huts and granaries had stood a day prior.
Damaged grain storage
Australian supporters came together to help raise more than $20,000 to provide 250 Relief Packages for Nepali families displaced by the floods.