KIT Blog

There’s more to me than leprosy! Sujadhe will now commence tailoring training, thanks to you!

Remember Sujadhe from India? You first met her in April.

Just over 6 months later, and look at her now! Sujadhe is still undergoing treatment through a Leprosy Mission hospital and is recovering well from reconstructive surgery on her hands with daily physiotherapy. But wait – there’s more!

You may recall her story of leprosy started out so innocently… One day she had caught her foot against a rock while playing with friends and though her foot was badly damaged, she couldn’t feel a thing.

Her parents took her to a local hospital where she was diagnosed with leprosy and was referred to The Leprosy Mission Hospital in Salur.

Sujadhe thought her dreams to marry and start a family were crushed… Her mind became consumed with self-hate and fear… terrified that someone would find out she had leprosy. The fear and the shame took their toll on young Sujadhe…

“When I first heard I was diagnosed with leprosy, my first reaction was that I wanted to commit suicide… I did not know that leprosy was curable but I knew that deformities could develop.” – Sujadhe

But God had other plans for her life… and thankfully Sujadhe didn’t put her desperate thoughts into action.

Instead, she found love, acceptance and healing through The Leprosy Mission.  Thanks to you!

First, her ulcerated foot was cleaned, bandaged and healed. Thanks to you.

She also received reconstructive surgery for her hands—now she can bend her fingers and use them properly again. Thanks to you.

Self-care training means she knows how to prevent future injuries. Thanks to you.

And after facing the stigma of leprosy… counselling provided healing to her soul. Thanks to you.

Now, Sujadhe has new dreams! Because of you! She will be starting a tailoring course at a Leprosy Mission Vocational Training Centre… and has already received a sewing machine in preparation. Thanks to you!

Sujadhe’s message of thanks:

“I’m so happy The Leprosy Mission supporters in Australia enabled me to have reconstructive surgery at the hospital…. I now have a sense of hope for the future.

“I’m very grateful I will have the opportunity to get a tailoring qualification… I want to earn an income by myself through my own business.”

What a joy it is to see Sujadhe has dreams and plans for the future!

Thank you again for giving so generously of your love and prayers. Please rejoice because your kindness is changing the lives of countless people affected by leprosy like Sujadhe!

“Those who refresh others, will themselves be refreshed!” Proverbs 11:25

If you’d like to support Vocational Training for someone else like Sujadhe, please donate by calling 1800 LEPROSY (1800 537 767) or go to the Vocational Training Project page.