KIT Blog
“I am at peace in my heart…”
- Jul 18, 2019
- Nepal,
- People you have helped
When Avinash was 12-years-old, he loved to play a game with the other children in his village in Nepal. They would put a pin in their feet to test their bravery. Whoever did not flinch would win the game.
Avinash always won. But he did not understand why.
It turns out Avinash had already lost feeling in his feet due to undiagnosed leprosy.
One day, his toe started to bleed and when he still could not feel any pain the other children started to wonder why.
Adults started to question Avinash and asked if “the gods” were angry and punishing him.
One of the villagers, who was in the Indian Army, advised Avinash to seek treatment.
But it was already too late.
By the time Avinash visited a hospital, his leg had gone black from gangrene. It was eventually amputated.
Avinash was given an artificial leg and went back home to his family farm. It was difficult for him to work and he kept hurting himself and needing to return to hospital for treatment.
Avinash later went to The Leprosy Mission Anandaban Hospital in Kathmandu for ulcer care. It was here that he heard the Gospel.
“I am now a very active member in my fellowship. I am telling others about God. I help them learn the things I have learned at Anandaban. I have learned to make candles and now I am teaching others in the church to do this. It helps them make money.
“I am a very, very blessed man. I am at peace in my heart and I thank God for my life.
Ruth, the counsellor at Anandaban Hospital, gave Avinash a hymn book to use.
Avinash now loves to sing hymns in the ward and share his faith with all the patients.
“Every day my life starts with prayer and reading Bible. Without God my life would be empty.
“My prayer is to share the Gospel with my friends and neighbours. They ask me ‘why are you so happy and smiling?’ I tell them because of my God and they ask where they can find this God?”
“I love other leprosy patients and encourage them that they are loved by God.”
Avinash is now married with one son, one daughter and three grandchildren, who are all Christian.
Thank you for helping Avinash find peace in his heart! You can pray for people affected by leprosy and disability on The Leprosy Mission Australia’s National Prayer Weekend (August 24-25).